Japanese network TV Tokyo, well known for its extensive lineup of anime, has brought on a broadcasting big gun — an all-new, 80-fader Apollo console from Calrec. Provided by Calrec’s exclusive distributor, Hibino Intersound, as part of a major upgrade of TV Tokyo’s flagship Tennozu studio, the Apollo has been a significant improvement over the broadcaster’s legacy analogue desk.

“TV Tokyo has received many years of service and great sound out of its old desk, but it was time to trade up and bring the Tennozu studio’s audio mixing into the digital world,” said Mr. Yosuke Maruyama, Hibino Corporation. “Their challenge was to source a desk that could match the old console in sound quality. The Apollo more than exceeds TV Tokyo’s expectations for pristine sound, and its impressive feature set is also a huge improvement. The new desk brings industry-standard reliability, ease of use, and unmatched power to Tennozu, with the ability to squeeze in more faders than any other comparable console on the market.”

The Apollo joins other Calrec desks in the broader TV Tokyo operation, including another 80-fader Apollo, a 48-fader Artemis Light that’s installed in the broadcaster’s OB van, a 56-fader Artemis Beam, and a 48-fader Artemis Beam.

“It’s a pleasure to continue our relationship with TV Tokyo, one of Japan’s most popular television networks,” said Anthony Harrison, Calrec’s international sales manager. “They are big supporters of our products, as evidenced by their Calrec lineup. The addition of the Apollo console has modernised the Tennozu facility by offering unsurpassed processing power. We’re excited to continue our relationship as TV Tokyo goes from analogue to digital.”

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